Without a doubt, undergraduate education in liberal arts and science studies significantly contributes to nursing knowledge. It prepares the nurse to work with patients while using the nursing process because it equips nurses with the appropriate technical skills and knowledge required in the nursing process (Pope, 2016). For instance, evidence suggests that culturally competent nurses are well-rounded, and the understanding of educational disciplines like mathematics, social, physical sciences, and interdisciplinary areas improves nurses’ competence. According to Pope (2016), disciplines like mathematics equip nurses with the ability to comprehend quantitative data that is essential to further nursing practices, and disciplines like statistics help nurses to understand more about the spread prevalence and incidences of particular diseases. More important, social and physical sciences mold nursing students to become future nursing leaders.


Dienstmann, R., Mason, M. J., Sinicrope, F. A., Phipps, A. I., Tejpar, S., Nesbakken, A., ... & Guinney, J. (2017). Prediction of overall survival in stage II and III colon cancer beyond TNM system: a retrospective, pooled biomarker study. Annals of Oncology28(5), 1023-1031

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